Welcome to mechanical_bull’s documentation!

Mechanical Bull is an ActivityPub Client application build based on bovine. It’s main goal is to provide a platform for automating activities undertaking in the FediVerse. Furthermore, it serves as a demonstration how ActivityPub Clients can be build with bovine.


Mechanical_bull can be installed from pypi via

pip install mechanical_bull

Once configured, it can then be run via

python -mmechanical_bull.run


Please report bugs, etc. to the issue tracker. Contributings in the form of pull requests are welcome. You can also contact me on the FediVerse at @helge@mymath.rocks.

Finally, I plan a multi-user “server” version of this project called __mechanical_herd__. The functionality should be similar, but updating the configuration should not require a restart. One might also think hooking into the redis from bovine_pubsub for this. mechanical_herd will probably be part of the bovine user management interface.

Indices and tables