
Running mechanical bull can be accomplished via


which will not do much as no users are configured. The user configuration is stored in config.toml

logfile = "mechanical_bull.log"
management = "https://manage.domain"

private_key = "z3u2Yxcowsarethebestcowsarethebestcowsarethebest"
host = "domain"

"mechanical_bull.actions.handle_follow_request" = true

management points to the location of bovine_management that can be used to make adding did keys to bovine easier. Both the logfile and management parameters are optional. This starts a process that connects to the event sources of the configured accounts and reacts appropriately to them.

Adding users

One can add new users to bovine using the following command

usage: python -mmechanical_bull.add_user [-h] [--accept] name host

Positional Arguments


Name of the entry


Hostname of your ActivityPub Actor Host

Named Arguments


Include to set automatically accepting follow requests to true

Default: False

This will create an entry of the following form in config.toml

private_key = "z3u2Yxcowsarethebestcowsarethebestcowsarethebest"
host = "example.tld"

"mechanical_bull.actions.accept_follow_request" = false

Note the configuration variable on the right is either false to disable the handler, true to enable the handler, or a dictionary to enable the handler and pass further configuration variables

"mechanical_bull.actions.log_to_file" = { filename = "cow.txt" }

Adding new handlers

mechanical_bull is meant to be extensible with new handlers. These can be defined as a python module containing a function

async def handle(client: bovine.BovineClient, data: dict, **kwargs):

For further details see the Moo Cow tutorial.